Avatar Legend Of Korra Fanfiction

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Greetings, one and all, on suggestion by TragicFiction, welcome to Avatar: Duality.

This page is comprised of Korra's relationships with other characters in the World of Avatar, extending from her early life at the Southern Water Tribe to her later life in Republic City. Korra is a vivacious and caring young woman whose antics find her both dangerous enemies and loving friends.

You might be familiar with one of my other Avatar stories, Avatar Heroes and/or Avatar Heroes: Tale of a Lily, but this story has nothing to do with the Arcmoani Network continuity, and it doesn't replace Tale of a Lily and yes I am still going to write Avatar Heroes II: Rebirth.

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it, and as always I only own the OC's in this story.

Under sunny skies covered by high, thin clouds, in a collection of tents and igloos. An elderly woman named Katara was standing to a six year old girl.

This young girl is named Korra, the current Avatar, the one allowed to bend all four elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water.

The elderly woman has her eyes closed in concentration as she calmly bends some of the ice at her feet, creating a stream of water which she moves around herself.

Korra glances at Katara, mimicking her stance, while from the door of their home, her parent's along with their guest's the Shuang family.

The Shuang's consisted of the father, Qipian Shuang, a tall man with slicked back dark hair, blue eyes and tanned skin, indicating his Water Tribe heritage.

His wife, Mirai Shuang, a pale dark haired woman hailing from the Fire Nation with amber eyes.

And their seven year old child, Soshi Shuang, a tall for his age boy with his father's dark hair, but his mother's amber eyes.

The Shuang's where a wealthy family from Republic City, but their corporation spanning the entire planet. Qipian was friends with Tonraq in their youth, keeping in contact despise Tonraq being exiled form the Northen Water Tribe and Qipian moving to Republic City to oversee his growing corporation.

'Now watch me, Korra.', Katara said, 'Waterbending is all about slow, calm movements.'

Korra turns toward her master. Squaring herself and smiling proudly, she throws her fists out in front of her, bluntly bending a wave of snow past her.

Soshi only has a moment to see the snow land on top of him, and he falls to the ground.

As the snow buries Soshi, Korra beholds her handiwork with wide, enthusiastic eyes and a wide smile, her fists on her hips. 'Pretty good, huh?'

'Not again..', Tonraq said alarmed, running to the young boy's aid.

By the time the parents reach Soshi, he is only partially covered by snow, removing most of it when his mother picked her little boy up.

'I'm so sorry, Mirai.', Senna said, her face filled with remorse, 'Korra doesn't seem to know her own strength.'

'Senna, it's alright.', Mirai laughed it off, dusting the last of the snow of her son's coat, 'She'll learn to control her power, in time.'

'Korra, that was too rough.', Tonraq said, kneeling down next to Korra, putting a hand on her shoulder, 'You could've really hurt Soshi.'

'I didn't mean to.', Korra said, walking over to the young boy, 'I am sorry Soshi.'

'It's alright, Korra. It was just snow.', Soshi said rubbing the back of his head, as he turns his head to the horizon.

Under thick, darkening clouds, the mountains far in the distance, usually white with ice and snow, have turned a sultry gray.

'Looks like this training as to be cut short. A storm's heading our way.', Qipian said, noticing the disappointed look on Korra's face, 'Which will also mean we will have to stay another night.'

This seemed to cheer the young girl a bit up, seeing she got to spend more time with her friend.

Moments later, Katara and Korra wave to each other as the former walks home. The howl of a polar bear dog sounds over the frozen tundra.

'Polar bear dogs?', Qipian noted, 'Sounds like a whole pack.'

It was then that the two young children howl's, imitating the sound.

'Daddy, can we go play with them?', Korra asked.

'You can't, sweetie. Polar bear dogs are wild animals.', Tonraq explained, 'They'd gobble you up in one bite.'

'They don't scare me!', Korra said, 'They can't stand against me and Soshi.'

That evening, a sleeping Soshi was laying with Korra in her bed. He was shaken up by Korra as he could hear the same polar bear dog howls in the distance.

'Wanna go on an adventure?', Korra said.

Dressing in their coats, the two sneaked out of the house and headed out to the tundra.

The two imitating the sounds again. Making their way through the snow, until the two kids came across a pup.

'I think it might be lost.', Soshi said.

The pup remains distrustful, but Korra has thought ahead. 'We aren't going to hurt you.', she said, pulling some dried fish from her pocket, 'Do you like fish jerky?'

The polar bear dog inches closer, sniffing the fish before eating it, much to the two friends amusement.

'You're not so scary, you're just hungry.', Soshi noted, before Korra drops on her knees, hopping around in the snow on all fours, circling the animal, which just stares at her.

'Come on, join me, Soshi.', Korra said, but he just laughed.

Looking around, he saw the storm building up, 'Korra, do you know the way home?', he asked.

'Don't fear!', Korra said, as she starts to waterbend, 'Because I'm the avatar!', she raises the snow over her head and it violently crashes it down again, creating a sloppily constructed an igloo.

Although Korra is pleased with her work, the pup does not look the least bit convinced.

'Come on, follow me!', Korra said, taking Soshi's hand and dragging him into the igloo.

They both crawl inside, and the polar bear dog curls up into a ball, while Korra and Soshi shivers.

'I know what'll warm us up.', Korra said, trying to make a little flame in the palm of her hand, 'A little fire!', but produces a blast that scares both her and the pup instead.

Instead, the two kids and the polar bear dog huddled together as the girl puts on her hood, scared of her own abilities. 'Sorry. I'm not a very good firebender yet.', she said, 'Master Katara says I have to get good at waterbending before I can learn the other elements. I thought being the Avatar was going to be fun, but it's just a bunch of rules.'

'I think your going to be a great Avatar.', Soshi said, 'Your only six and you can already bend three of the four elements.'

This got a chuckle from the girl next to him, who soon began to fall asleep.

The following morning, the two kids where woken up when the igloo was bend open. Revealing their worried looking parents and Katara looking over them.

'Korra, Soshi! Get out of there!', Tonraq said, as the two kids got out of the makeshift igloo, 'Do you know how worried we were?'

'I can't believe you two spent the night in storm, all alone.', Mirai said.

'But we weren't alone! Naga was with us!', Soshi said, to the surprise of the parents.

'That's what we named her.', Korra explained, 'She lost her pack, so she needs a new family now. Can I keep her?'

Tonraq and Senna throw each other perplexed looks each simultaneously saying 'Ask your mother.', 'Ask your father.'

Leading the concerned parents away while Korra and Soshi plays in the snow with Naga. 'You know, all Avatars have had animal guides in the past, perhaps Korra has discovered hers.', Katara said.

'Perhaps Naga might just be what a high-energy girl like Korra needs.', Qipian noted to his friend.

'We shall see.', Tonraq said.

That evening, the Shuang boated their privet yacht bout back for Republic City. As the two family's bid each other goodbye, Korra wrapped her arms around Soshi's middle, a hug he returned. Knowing he was leaving, Naga let out a sad whimper.

'It's alright, Naga.', Korra said, once they let go, 'We will be seeing daddy soon.'

'Daddy?', Soshi asked.

'Yeah, Naga is our adopted daughter.', Korra said, 'I am her mommy and your her daddy.'

Avatar Legend Of Korra Fanfiction

As if to emphasize this point, Naga leaps up and bang to lick Soshi's face. The two kids laugh, before Naga got back on the ground. 'Don't worry, daddy will be back soon.' Soshi laughed, patting the polar bear dog before tapping Korra's nose with his index finger, the usual sign of affection between the two kids.

Once the yacht, began to pull out of the harbor, Korra and Naga ran with it, until she reached the end, she continued to wave at her friend, but what neither of them knew was that it would be a long time before they would meet each other again.

Eleven years later..

Late in the evening, at Republic City Harbor. Members of the criminal organization called the Triple Threat Triad, were moving crates into vans.

'..You know what they say? They say it can't be killed.', one of them said, placing a crate in the van, 'They say it drinks blood. They say..'

Shaking his head, 'I say you're full of shit, Lee.', one of them said in complete disbelieve, 'Oh, you can quote me on that.'

Suddenly, a water tendril shot from the shadows near a bunch of shipping containers, pulling one of the gangster's in. A loud crash was heard as a flash of light momentarily lit up the shadows. A few seconds later the gangster was throw back at them, crashing into two of the others, his arm in a weird angle.

The remaining Triple Threat Triad members in their panic began to bend earth and fire around in a panic, sending the elements towards every shadow that seemingly moved. But it was like fighting a shadow for them, as one by one, they were picked off and soon only the gangster called Lee was left standing.

'Where are you!?', Lee screamed in fright, raising his fist.

It felt as if his heart had stopped beating when words were whispered right into his ears, 'Behind you.'

Turning around Lee found himself staring right into a mouth mask under a dark blue hood, hiding the face from view. The vigilante was dressed in what seemed to be light plated armor, a sword was strapped to his back.

In fear for his life, Lee bend a blast of fire towards his attack but he absorbed the fire, with no need for deflection. Holding his hands to the side, before thrusting them forward sending a much bigger blast of fire towards him, sending Lee crashing to the ground.

'Don't kill me! Don't kill me, man!', Lee begged as the attacker lifted him into the air by the front of his shirt.

'I'm not going to kill you.', the vigilante replied, speaking in an almost animalistic growl, 'I want you to do me a favor. When they put you in jail, tell them The Vigilante send you.'

But before Lee could reply, Vigilante smashed him head first into the ground, knocking him out cold.

In the afternoon, a luxurious extended Satomobile was driving through the streets of downtown Republic City. In the backseat was an grey haired gentleman, wearing a black suit.

'Mr. Sato is expecting you tomorrow evening to speak about a potential partnership between Future Industries and the Shuang Corporation.', the man said to the young man across from him, who was sitting behind a newspaper.

The front page reported about the Vigilante busting another Triple Threat Triad operation. 'Probably going to try to talk me into marrying his daughter.', the young man put the newspaper down, revealing himself to be the now eighteen year old Soshi.

'I think it might be good for you if you actually get a girlfriend to occupy your evenings.', the man said, looking at the newspaper.

'I am far too busy for romance, Mitsuzo.', Soshi said, looking out of the window to spot a bright red Satomobile with a ornamented golden plaque of a lion turtle, 'Hey, pull over.'

Soshi just stepped out of the Satomobile, ignoring Mitsuzo calls as he approached three members whom he recognized to be from the Triple Threat Triad.

He could just see the firebender he recognized as Two Toed Ping, effortlessly smacks the object out of the vendor's hands with a half moon spinning fire kick, reducing the phonograph to a burning pile of rubbish.

The other member, a water bender named Viper said, 'My friend here is not a music lover.', sarcastically shaking his head, 'Give me the money, or else.', he makes the money sign with his right hand.

'Or else what?', Soshi interrupted.

The three gangsters turn around, looking amused when they see who talked.

'Look what we have here, boys. Soshi Shuang, the prince of Republic City himself.', Vuper said, doing a mock bow, 'But you are no prince here, your highass, you are in Triple Threat Triad territory. So I suggest you keep walking, or you will be taking an ambulance back home.'

'An ambulance doesn't take you home, they take you to a hospital.', Soshi said, flexing his arm, before holding them up in a fighting stance, 'I suggest you get in your car and drive away. Or you three will wake up in a prison hospital.'

Viper suddenly bends a water bullet from an unseen water skin from under his coat.

Soshi easily evade the water, but to his surprise, the water was send right back at Viper, freezing the water over his head. His balance lost, the man stumbles forward toward Soshi, who hits him against the head with a fiery back spinning kick, due to which he slams head first against the golden ornament on the Satomobile. The ice around his head shatters as he sags down.

The earthbender gangster, enraged by what happened to his friend, charges by jumping up. However, before he could land and earthbend, Soshi received assistance once again, when a portion of earth where he was going to land on, catapulting him high into the air.

The earthbender falls on a wire suspended from one building to the other. From the wire, the man is catapulted again a wooden advertising board, falls down on the pentice of a shop, and is thrown into a tapestry, which rips under his weight.

The man falls down onto a shop display before flopping on the ground where he lies still. Seeing two of his allies defeated, Two Toed Ping aggressively bends a large fire stream.

Soshi rolls under the fire, in the same momentum, he landed a kick against Two Toed Ping's head. Spinning around to build momentum, he kicked with enough force to send the gangster crashing through the window of a radio shop where the man lies defeated.

Turning around to look for the people who had assisted him. But instead of expecting at least two, he saw a girl about a year younger than him, with dark skin, dark brown hair and deep sky blue eyes and a polar bear dog.

'Thanks for the assist, but I could have handled it.', Soshi said.

'Yeah, I am sure you could, Soshi.', the girl said with a smirk.

Soshi gave her a puzzled look, but the polar bear dog leaped at him, tackling the young man to the ground, licking his face.

'W-Wait.. Naga!?', Soshi said surprised, realizing who the girl must be.

'Got an idea about who I am now, daddy?', Korra said, pulling Naga off him before helping him up.

Soshi, still remembering her as his six year old childhood friend. But Korra wasn't six years old anymore, she was now a beautiful seventeen year old young woman. He noticed from her bare arms that she must be in pretty good shape, he couldn't help but notice how much her breasts and butt had developed into a nice round shape.

'..It's good to see you again, Korra.', he said quickly, when he noticed he had been staring.

'Yeah.. it's been too long.', Korra said, grinning at her friend.

Suddenly, an alarm sounds from up above as Naga starts howling with it, signaling the arrival of an airship.

'Police!', an intercom-voice said, 'Freeze where you are!'

From the hatch, three metalbending cop jump out using their metal cables to anchoring to a nearby buildings, securing a safe landing.

'We caught the bad guys for you, officers.', Korra said, proudly, gesturing at the catch.

The officer ordered the arrest of the gangsters. The other three cops run forward and bend their metal cables to secure the three thugs. With their arms tied to their body, they fall down.

'You two are under arrest too.', the officer said.

'What do you mean we are under arrest?', Korra said, 'Those are the bad guys over there! They were smashing up a shop!'

'Officer, this is all a big misunderstanding.', Soshi said, stepping in to defuse the situation, 'We come to the station, alright?' the officer seemed satisfied with this as he seemed to relax.

The two where seated in an interrogation room, as Lin Beifong, the Chief of the metal police themselves read from a list of the crimes they had committed.

'Multiple counts of destruction of private and city property,', she read, walking back and forth with her clipboard.

'I don't see the problem, Chief Beifong.', Soshi said, 'The Triads where stopped and I could easily cover for all the damages done.'

'Don't think your money makes you above the law.', Beifong said, slamming the clipboard on the table, 'You and your latest pick-up girl are in a whole lot of trouble.'

'She is not a pick-up girl.', Soshi said, 'She is my childhood friend.'

'Wait, Beifong? As in Lin Beifong?', Korra said excitedly, 'You're Toph's daughter!'

'What of it?', Beifong said seriously.

'Well then, why are you treating me like a criminal?', Korra said a hint of amusement suppressed in her tone, 'Avatar Aang and your mother were friends They saved the world together.'

'That's ancient history.', the chief said, raising the volume of her voice, 'And it's got diddly-squat to do with the mess you're in right now.'

'Look, chief, I am sure my lawyers can smooth everything over.', Soshi said.

'I don't understand why we are in trouble in the first place!', Korra protested, 'There were some thugs threatening a helpless shopkeeper, and we had to..'

'Can it! The both of you!', Beifong said aggressively, walking to the other side of the table, 'You should have called the police and stayed out of the way. We don't need another vigilante in this city.'

'Yes, because the police have such a good record of arresting the gangs in the city.', Soshi said, rolling his eyes.

'You might own more than half of the city, but that doesn't mean you can just dole out vigilante justice.', Beifong said, 'We have enough trouble with that Vigilante.'

It was then that one of the metalbending cops opens a peephole in the metal wall. 'Chief, Mr Shuang and Miss Korra's have had there charges dropped.', he said, 'Also councilman Tenzin is here.'

Lin sighs; annoyed as she stands up, Let him in.', she stands beside the table, putting her hands behind her back in a formal posture, as the wall slides aside to form a door through which a bald man with a blue arrow on his head, a black beard dressed in orange and yellow robes.

'Tenzin, sorry..', Korra said, before turning to a more upbeat tone, 'I got a little sidetracked on my way to see you.'

Tenzin takes a deep breath. Arcs an eyebrow at Beifong, and smiles. 'Lin, you are looking radiant as usual.',

'Cut the garbage, Tenzin.', Beifong said aggressively, 'Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her.'

'My relocation has been delayed.', he said seriously, 'The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she will stay put.'

'Get her out of my city.', Beifong said in an aggressive whisper.


Korra and Soshi follows Tenzin. As she passes Beifong, both eye each other in discontent. Chief Beifong, points with her index and pinkie at her eyes and back to Korra, glaring at her.

As the metal wall moves aside again to let them out. Korra eyes Beifong in malcontent, she bends over and exaggeratedly and mockingly mimics Lin's gesture that she will keep an eye on her, before picking up speed and leaving the room with an upheld head.

The three enter the waiting room, where an old woman is sitting next to a platypus bear. Where Mitsuzo was waiting for them.

'Never expected I would have to pick you up from the police station.', Mitsuzo said.

'I am surprised you didn't had to do it sooner.', Soshi said with a smirk, before turning back to his friend, who had a talk with Tenzin.

'Katara agreed with me that I should come.' Korra said, waving her arms to emphasize her words, 'She said my destiny is in Republic City.'

Furiously, Tenzin's face turns red, 'Don't bring my mother into this!'

'Look, I can't wait any longer to finish my training.', Korra said, 'Being cooped up and hidden away from the world isn't helping me become a better Avatar. I saw a lot of the city today, and it's totally out of whack. I understand now why you need to stay. Republic City does need you. But it needs me, too.'

Tenzin stroking his beard, thinking with his eyes closed.

'I have to agree with the Avatar, Master Tenzin.', Mitsuzo chipped in, 'Republic City could use another who stands against it's corruption.'

'Thanks! Mr?..', Korra began.

'Mitsuzo Soroi, Avatar.', Mitsuzo said, 'I am the Shuang family butler since hired by Qipian Shuang.'

'Oh, that Mitsuzo!', Korra said.

Upon hearing the sounds of the bars being opened, the four turn toward the sound to see Naga and a police officer, who holds her reins.

'Is this your polar bear dog, miss?', he asked, looking displeased as the polar bear dog licks his face, fashioning his hair into an upstanding swirl.

At twilight a sailboat just passing the statue of Aang, heading towards Air Temple Island.

'The city looks beautiful.', Korra said, leaning on the railing next to him as she looked at the lit skyline of Republic City.

'Yeah, she does.', Soshi said, looking at something else from the corner of his eye.

Behind him, he didn't notice the smile his butler was having at his remark.

The boat aground in the harbor of Air Temple Island. A larger ship has docked there as well, three Order of the White Lotus members standing beside the large ship, looking very serious.

'I guess this is it.', Soshi said, 'I am going to miss you, Korra.'

'Yeah, I am going to miss you Soshi.', she returned with a sad smile. She couldn't help but chuckle when eh tapped her nose again just as two Air Nomad gliders come swooping down.

It revealed to be three kids, two girls and a boy, wearing similar robes to Tenzin.

'Korra!', the boy and the younger girl said happily. Running up to Korra and hug her waist.

The older girl is more held back, looking at Soshi with a faint blush, 'Uhm, hi.', she whispered.

'Hello.', Soshi said with a wave.

'Oh, who is this pretty boy!', the younger girl said, 'You just arrived in Republic City and you already snatched yourself a boyfriend! You work fast Korra!'

'Soshi is not my boyfriend.', Korra said, quickly, 'He is my childhood friend.'

'Waaaait, that name sounds familiar..', the younger girl said, 'Isn't Soshi some sort of big deal in the city.'

'Are you.. Soshi Shuang?', the older girl asked, 'CEO of the Shuang Corporation?'

'That's me.', he responded.

After being introduced to the Airbending children, it was time for Korra to go, as she lead Naga away toward the members of the Order, who walk up to meet her.

'Wait.', Tenzin said, they both stop walking, 'I have done my best to guide Republic City toward the dream my father had for it, but you're right. It has fallen out of balance since he passed. I thought I should put off your training in order to uphold his legacy, but you are his legacy.'

He places two hands on her shoulder, 'You may stay and train airbending here with me.' Korra gasps excitedly for air, 'Republic City needs its Avatar once again.'

'Yes! Thank you! You're the best!', Korra said enthusiastically.

Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora celebrated with a loud yell, Soshi cracking a smile. Korra hugs the three kids, effortlessly lifting them off the ground. She moves to Soshi and Tenzin, and lifts them up as well.

Soshi giggles as Naga walks up, joining in the group hug by putting her head against in Korra's back, purring contently.

The very next day at Republic City's city hall. Beyblade characters names list. A large cheering crowd has gathered in front of it to hear Korra make a speech. Lot's of people taking pictures.

She gazes at the gathered mass, looking overwhelmed. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Soshi, dressed in an expensive looking suit, giving her a encouraging nod.

With a deep sigh, she leans forward to speak in the microphones. 'Hello?', the microphones screech, 'I'm Korra, your new Avatar.'

A journalist raises his hand 'Does this mean you've moved to Republic City?', he questioned.

Another journalist asked another question, 'Were you trying to send a message to the Triads yesterday?'

'Will you be fighting crime, the Anti-bending Revolution, the Vigilante or both?'

Legend Of Korra Crossover

'I am definitely here to stay, but honestly I don't exactly have a plan yet.', Korra said, 'I'm still in training, but all I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world, and I believe we can make his dream a reality. I look forward to serving you!'

The crowd goes wild, and all the journalists take photographs of her, bathing them in bright white light.

Well there ya go, another chapter, hope you enjoyed. Many thanks to everyone who reads this story, you beautiful bastards!

If you liked what you read, don't forget to leave a review, for now I wish you all a fantastic day and I hope to see you ladies and gents, next time.