Focus T25 Online Free

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Focus T25 Online Free 3,6/5 7251 votes

This review of T25 is probably going to be a little different than most of the other reviews you’re going to read in so that its not a good one.

I have started T25 two times and can’t get any farther than the second week of month two (Beta Phase). Reason being is T25 kind of bores me. For this reason alone there will be no T25 results or before and after photos from me.

It’s not that Focus T25 is not a great program. There were many times the first month where I couldn’t get through a workout or two for sure. My issue comes with me already completing other Shaun T workouts like Insanity and The Asylum. Focus T25 is no where as close to being as intense as those workouts. Let me break it down for you.

Alpha Phase (Month 1)

If you are looking for the Focus T25 workout calendar to download or print out I have it here for free in excel, pdf, open office and word format. T25 Alpha Cycle Online Calendar Download.

Even not doing that much cardio the 6 months prior to starting T25 I was able to do almost 85% of the moves at the same pace Shaun T and the crew behind him were going at in the first week. By the end of week 2 I was able to do almost everything. I guess the muscle memory of all those rounds of Insanity and Asylum years prior showed up. Rarely did I get sore and most of the times I was just getting warmed up by the time it was over. If anything, I was ready for the workout to begin at the end of 25 minutes.

Beta Phase (Month 2)

This is when T25 starts to become a workout. The pace picks up and you start using dumbbells or resistance bands. But again, even not being in what I would call cardio shape I was able to keep up nearly 80% of the time. I’d build up a bit more of a sweat then the Alpha phase but I’d still be wanting more at the end of the 25 minutes.

After not seeing or feeling any real results or changes at day 45 of T25 twice I ended up quitting. I didn’t really see the point of spending anymore time doing T25 without getting the results I normally can feel or see at that point of any Beachbody workout I had ever done. Still not trying to give up on T25 all together I decided to buy the Gamma Phase.

Gamma Phase (Month 3)

The Gamma phase of T25 does move faster and is well put together. I’d say this is what T25 should be about right from the get go. Started sweating in less than 10 minutes and could only do about half of the moves at Shaun T’s pace. When I think of a Shaun T workout the Gamma Phase is what I think of.

Why I’m Not Liking T25

For me the workout is over before it really starts. Its not that the first 15 minutes aren’t challenging its just that for me it takes those first 5-10 minutes to just get warmed up. Plus there isn’t that second half of the workout to look forward to where it usually starts getting much harder.

But the real reason why I’m not fond of T25 is because I’ve already done Insanity and Insanity: The Asylum. T25 comes nowhere close to the intensity and overall workout efficiency that Insanity and The Asylum come to. The Insanity Fit Test at 15 minutes long is a tougher workout than any Alpha Phase workout (Month 1) of T25.

I understand the push from Beachbody to develop new programs to serve different fitness niches. But if you’re somebody who is already use to working out for 45 to 60 minutes and can do it well then why would you scale back to do just 25 minutes? You’re just not going to get any new results from working out in half the time while doing what are essentially the same moves that are in Insanity at half the speed.

The only way I could see people getting better results from T25 over Insanity or The Asylum is if they were 100% spot on with the diet. Thats it. Otherwise it is my opinion that you are going to be doing nothing more than a maintenance program or giving yourself a break from hour long workouts.

I could also see T25 being a good filler program between Insanity and another Beachbody program. Reason being is T25 is not as high impact and will give your joints some time to heel up from the beating they take during Insanity. I’m not saying that Focus T25 is a bad program. What Im saying is that people who have completed other Shaun T workouts should continue doing those and getting better at them.

What I Do Like About T25

Is that its 25 minutes and you do not need a lot of equipment. From a workout program point of view, T25 is great as it fills a niche. For me, I am conditioned to longer workouts with a warm up and cool down period.

Seeing how you just need some dumbbells or resistance bands laying around for month two is nice too. Most people who have completed other Beachbody workouts have those in the house for sure.

Who Should Do T25

Focus T25 is best suited for people who are just starting their fitness journey or really have no time to workout (lets be honest – if you’ve done other Shaun T workouts then you know how to make time for them). I can’t see people who play sports or are looking for a program to get them in shape for their activity getting anything more out of T25 then they could with Insanity or Asylum. Those two workout programs are very performance/athletic focused and T25 is more general health and fitness.

Final Thoughts

I do think that Focus T25 would be a great program to do a hybrid with. And when I say hybrid I mean doing it along with another workout every day. Not T25 one day and something else the next day. Im talking two workouts every day. T25 and Body Beast everyday sticks out in my mind. This way you’ll be done in about 80 minutes.

Shaun T – If you are reading this please do not take it the wrong way. I get it, Beachbody is trying to fill niches now and T25 does just that. Working out at home and working out in person with you are two different things.

Certainly a live T25 workout with you would be a great workout because of the intensity in the room. I have worked out with you in person a number of times and its always crazy. At home following along is a different thing.

Getting motivated to workout is challenging enough. Figuring out what to do each day doesn’t have to be. Lucky for you, Beachbody made an easy to follow Calendar Schedule.

You can Download the Focus T25 Workout Schedule here
The following Focus T25 Workout Schedule comes from the T25 Workout Calendar out of the box. So if you are on the go or lost your calendar you can always reference this page for your daily fitness schedule. This workout is designed to give you an easy to follow 2 month program. However, the workout calendar doesn’t end after 2 months if you don’t want it to. Focus T25 also offers an additional workout schedule called “Gamma” an additional 4 disc program to help you take your fitness to the next level. (Focus T25 Gamma is sold separately)

Simply, bookmark this page so you can always come back to review what workout is on schedule for the day.

Focus T25 Workout Calendar Month 1 (Alpha)

The first month, is the foundation of Focus T25. Shaun T introduces you to foundation moves that will help you develop the fitness level you need to move on to Month 2 of T25 Beta. There are 5 workouts routines that will focus on different parts of the body so by the end of each week you will have completed a full body workout. Remember that before you begin this workout routine you should be recording your body measurements and taking your profile pictures so that you can see how your body has changed after completing the program.

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 1

Day 6 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 7 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 2

Day 13 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 14 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 3

Day 20 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 21 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 4

Day 22 Monday: Focus T25 Cardio

Day 23 Tuesday: Focus T25 Total Body Circuit

Day 24 Wednesday: Focus T25 Lower Focus

Day 25 Thursday: Focus T25 Total Body Circuit

Day 26 Friday: Focus T25 Ab Intervals & Focus T25 Speed 1.0

Day 27 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 28 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 5

Day 29 Monday: Focus T25 Total Body Circuit

Day 30 Tuesday: Focus T25 Ab Intervals

Day 31 Wednesday: Focus T25 Total Body Circuit

Day 32 Thursday: Focus T25 Cardio

Day 33 Friday: Focus T25 Total Body Circuit & Focus T25 Lower Focus

Day 34 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 35 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Calendar Month 2 (Beta)

In month 2, you will be introduced to 4 new workouts. The new workouts will be harder than month 1, but your fitness level will be able to match the workout routines. The good news is, the workouts are still only 25 minutes long. So just keep pushing play. After completion of the first month you should start to see some changes in your body physique. You will also start to notice that the original workouts aren’t as difficult to complete as when you first started. Focus T25 calendar month 2 will push you to take your body so that you will get the results you’re looking for at the end.

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 6

Day 36 Monday: Focus T25 Core Cardio

Day 37 Tuesday: Focus T25 Speed 2.0

Day 38 Wednesday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit

Day 39 Thursday: Focus T25 Dynamic Core

Day 40 Friday: Focus T25 Upper Focus & Focus T25 Core Cardio

Day 41 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 42 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 7

Day 43 Monday: Focus T25 Dynamic Core

Day 44 Tuesday: Focus T25 Core Cardio

Day 45 Wednesday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit

T25 workout free online

Day 46 Thursday: Focus T25 Upper Focus

Day 47 Friday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit & Focus T25 Speed 2.0

Day 48 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 49 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 8

Day 50 Monday: Focus Core Cardio

Day 51 Tuesday: Focus T25 Upper Focus

Day 52 Wednesday: Focus T25 Speed 2.0

Day 53 Thursday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit

Day 54 Friday: Focus T25 Dynamic Core & Focus T25 Speed 2.0

Day 55 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 56 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 9

Day 57 Monday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit

Day 58 Tuesday: Focus T25 Dynamic Core

Day 59 Wednesday: Focus T25 Core Cardio

Day 60 Thursday: Focus T25 Dynamic Core

Day 61 Friday: Focus T25 Speed 2.0 & Focus T25 Upper Focus

Day 62 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 63 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 10

Day 64 Monday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit

Day 65 Tuesday: Focus T25 Core Cardio

Day 66 Wednesday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit

Day 67 Thursday: Focus T25 Dynamic Core

Day 68 Friday: Focus T25 Rip’T Circuit & Focus T25 Speed 2.0

Day 69 Saturday: Rest and Record Stats

Day 70 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Calendar Month 3 (Gamma)

The Base T25 workout program comes with Alpha, and Beta. After you finish the T25 Base program and you want to continue your workout journey you can purchase Focus T25 Gamma. You will get 4 new workout routines that will continue to challenge your body so you get maximum results. As mentioned, Gamma is sold separately from the original T25 base package. For people, who don’t want the fitness to end then they should challenge themselves with Focus T25 Gamma. If you don’t want to purchase Gamma you can always go through another cycle of T25 and start the program again. Many people have enjoyed the fitness program and the results they achieved. By this time, fitness should be part of your daily routine. You’ve worked this hard to get there, why quit now?

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 11

Day 71 Monday: Focus T25 Speed 3.0

Day 72 Tuesday: Focus T25 Rip’T Up

Day 73 Wednesday: Focus T25 Extreme Circuit

Day 74 Thursday: Focus T25 The Pyramid

Day 75 Friday: Focus T25 Speed 3.0

Day 76 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 77 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 12

Day 78 Monday: Focus T25 Rip’T Up

T25 Workout Free Online

Focus t25 workout online free

Day 79 Tuesday: Focus T25 Extreme Circuit

Day 80 Wednesday: Focus T25 Speed 3.0

Day 81 Thursday: Focus T25 The Pyramid

Day 82 Friday: Focus T25 Rip’T Up

Day 83 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Day 84 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 13

Day 85 Monday: Focus T25 The Pyramid

Day 86 Tuesday: Focus T25 Speed 3.0

Day 87 Wednesday: Focus T25 Rip’T Up

Day 88 Thursday: Focus T25 Extreme Circuit

Day 89 Friday: Focus T25 The Pyramid

Day 90 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Focus T25 Alpha Online Free

Day 91 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Focus T25 Workout Schedule Week 14

Day 92 Monday: Focus T25 Extreme Circuit

Day 93 Tuesday: Focus T25 Rip’T Up

Day 94 Wednesday: Focus T25 Speed 3.0

Day 95 Thursday: Focus T25 The Pyramid

Day 96 Friday: Focus T25 Extreme Circuit

Day 97 Saturday: Rest and Record Your Stats

Focus T25 Free Online Streaming

Day 98 Sunday: Rest and Stretch

Don’t forget to bookmark the Focus T25 Workout Schedule page for future reference.

Following the Focus T25 workout schedule is only one aspect of getting into great shape. You also need to follow the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide to get the best results you can. You can also learn some of my tips and advice by reading my Focus T25 workout review article. Focus T25 offers you so many benefits of fitness and fun all jammed packed into just 25 minutes a day. After you have completed this workout you will be a true believer that length of time in a workout doesn’t necessarily equate to great results. T25 believes in offering you short, but high-energy workouts to give you maximum results in less time. I wish you much success with your Focus T25 Workout Program.

We also have other great Shaun T resources like the Insanity Workout Schedule and the Insanity Nutrition Guide.

I hope that this Focus T25 Workout Schedule and Calendar was helpful to keep you stay on track with your fitness goals.